La Difference entre Must et have to – Pôle Prépa English

Must or Have to

“Must” and “have to” in English are generally used in a very similar way, when talking about obligations. Whereas the use of there two words may be similar there is a subtle but important difference between the two. In this article we will teach you how and when to use “must” and “have to”. Put your skills to the test by completing the quiz at the end of the chapter.

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Your quiz


#1. She ………………… have to get me anything, that’s so sweet, and unexpected!

#2. We ………………… wear the school uniform.

#3. You ………………… stop when the traffic light is red.

#4. You ………………… clean up your room! It’s a mess.

#5. She ………………… drink any alcoholic beverage.

#6. He can leave the waiter a tip, but he ………………… .

#7. You ………………… put your mobile phone in flight mode.

#8. You ………………… be 18 in order to vote.

#9. You ………………… help me, I know what I have to do.

#10. You ………………… forget your doctor’s appointment tomorrow.

#11. You ………………… take the stairs in case of fire.

#12. I ………………… go get some milk.

#13. You ………………… worry about me, I’m okay, I’m just tired.

#14. You are going to ………………… speak louder, it’s too noisy.

#15. I ………………… send this report before 3pm.


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